General Dog Training
Supporting Wellbeing
P.A.W.S. in Schools

P.A.W.S in Schools – Supporting Wellbeing.
Just like adults, the reality is that there are a lot of students who are finding it hard to cope with the current uncertainty that exists as a result of COVID. Many students are struggling with their mental health and are avoiding engaging socially and/or academically.
Managing daily routines and expectations of returning to school appears far more challenging and overwhelming than usual. We all know how it feels after a holiday, it can be hard to get back into our regular routines. For some people, this does not come easily. It takes real effort and persistence to work through this challenge. Add in several lockdowns and the uncertainty of COVID and it can appear harder and more confusing than ever. Routines and structure are no longer predictable. COVID restrictions have meant that people have been asked to adapt to a new way of living, learning, and interacting, and then flip backwards and forwards between different routines, depending on what restrictions are in place.
Our P.A.W.S in Schools educators are highly skilled in supporting students through animal assisted learning. We specialise in tailoring sessions to meet the specific needs of each student we work with. Developing social and emotional learning and supporting students in their interactions with others in a sensitive and positive manner which is having a positive impact on student wellbeing in the schools we are working closely with. Our educators are designing sessions to develop social skills and understand important concepts including boundaries and consent, emotional regulation and coping strategies.
Having a therapy dog on site creates a new context for interactions on a range of levels across the school community (between students, between staff and students, between staff and staff, between staff/students and parents). We bring one of our therapy dogs to you, or we can work with you to train and incorporate a therapy dog into your school community. Email to express your interest in our P.A.W.S. in Schools program and the various options we have on offer.
Option A: Student Welfare (including: Re-engaging with Onsite Learning; and Understanding Boundaries and Consent)
Option B: Connecting to Curriculum
Option C: Interactive Presentations
Option D: Training and Incorporating Your Own School Therapy Dog
We look forward to having a discussion with you about how we can support your school.
– Mel
P.A.W.S. in Schools Specialist